The gateway to reducing congestion
Councils around the country have declared the house is on fire but they're keeping the gas turned on.
The car and our attitude to it need a serious rethink. One simple action businesses and local government could act on is to support and encourage a reduction in car ownership and use round trip car share.
Mobility futurist, Tim Papandreou says the world over, the private car is over subsidised and car share is undersubsidised so we need to work out how to flick that switch.
The more cars added to car share, the better chance of reducing individual cars.
Papandreou suggests cities start with themselves, show leadership, give every council employee a car share membership and get rid of the council fleet. The car share operator will operate them better, maintain them better and more people can use them out of hours. The same is true for business fleets.
read more here in NZ Herald,